Thursday, January 7, 2010

Our fun day in the snow!

The snow started last evening and went through the night.  We woke up this morning to a winter wonderland.  The boys were very excited to get out and make snow angels, snowballs and anything else in the snow.  What fun we had!  I was thankful I had just bought snow boots for myself earlier this week.  Although the temperature registered somewhere around 12 degrees Josh and Connor didn't seem to notice. I did have them in about ten layers of clothing.  We played for over an hour, came in for hot chocolate and then out again.  After awhile the wind got so gusty we had to call it quits.  The boys cheeks were bright red and my toes had since frozen even with my new snow boots on.  Of course I had my camera and it's quite hard to snap pictures with giant gloves on.  I had to take those off just to capture a few shots.  I do love the snow and would love it more if it weren't so darn cold.   Thank you Lord for a warm house to retreat to!

1 comment:

  1. Love it, love it all, esp the bottom left one of Joshua, with the sky,and grass behind him.
