Friday, January 15, 2010

Mama said there'd be days like this.

Today I was determined to get to Target for some much needed household items.  Unfortunately the trip had to include all 3 boys.  My guys don't do well on errands.  Okay-- maybe it's me who doesn't do that well in getting anything accomplished when I have all three in tow.  Today was no exception.  What would have been a 15 minute trip through Target by myself took over an hour and involved plenty of "Get over here, put that down and stop hitting your brother."  Before I had children I used to look at all those pitiful moms in the store and think- No way, never, ever will my children act like that.  Well, guess what-- now I have those children and the other PC (pre-children) women are pitying me.  
Anyway, in the first five minutes of our trip Connor sprayed mens cologne in his eye and wet his pants.  Fortunately the smell of CK1 was more pungent than the pee smell so no one really noticed.  They probably just thought my 3 year old had expensive taste and had thrown aside his J&J bodywash for something more exotic.  By the time we finally checked out I was beyond done,  however my kids quickly reminded me that we ALWAYS get a soft pretzel and drink at Target.   It was lunchtime by then so I thought---what the heck lets make this misery last a bit longer.  After enjoying our cinnamon sugar pretzels and fruit punch (a truly nutritious lunch), Luke started crying a bit and then proceeded to throw up all over himself, the highchair and the floor.  I simply stood there stunned thinking how am I going to get this kid back to the car covered in puke.  Another sweet Mom (God bless you nice lady) saw what happened and brought as many paper towels as she could find.  All I could do was quickly put Luke back in the cart, apologize to every employee and patron in the area for our mess and hightail it out of there.  It may be awhile before I venture into that Target again---especially with all 3 boys.  You know my Mom said there'd be days like this but I didn't think she was actually serious.

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