Thursday, September 2, 2010

Luke & Amelia (Part 2)

On Monday my friend Sarah and I got together to practice setting up some different props & poses for pictures with newborns.  We had 4 out of our 6 children in school and thought it would be an easy time with just Luke (22 mos) and Amelia (10 mos) with us.  Since we didn't have a newborn on hand (anyone want to let us borrow yours?)  we used one of Avery's baby dolls as our "model."  Needless to say the easy time we were thinking of having with just Luke and Amelia was no easy time at all.  Those two little people wreaked havoc on our mock photo session ---stealing the props, climbing in and out of them and also gnawing on our newest "client."  I called this blog Luke & Amelia Part 2 because Sarah had the cutest entry about this same event on her blog.  You can see it here.  It was a fun time though and we just had to laugh at the chaos that was our practice session.  Here's a few pics from our day.

Amelia chewing on our newest client.

This gal is much more lively than our other little "model!"

Talk about tipping the scales.  Right after I took this Amelia tipped the scale over.  Luckily we caught her before she bonked her head on the wall.

Luke actually played along for a very short while.

Amelia wanted some attention from Mommy.

Luke's favorite prop was the yellow trunk.


  1. Great pics! I love all these pics, now we just need to actually try our hand at taking pics of an actual newborn!

  2. You've got one on the way gals :) I LOVE YOUR PICS!!!
