Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Fun with Family

It's been a while since I've blogged about anything. Lots of fun stuff going on just not a lot of time to write about it. Anyway, this past weekend I got the chance to visit my family down in Atlanta. I don't see them nearly enough and even when I do there's always my kiddos to chase after and nap schedules to keep. Well this time I made the trip by myself. Quite different for sure since I have no idea what to do when I'm by myself. I got a chance to spend some time with my brother Tyler and his precious wife Sarah and little boy Mason. I had brought my camera and was eager to do a little photo shoot with them. Luckily they were patient and willing to play my reindeer games with the photos. THANKS GUYS! Here are just a few of my favorites.

Mason with Mommy & Daddy

The Bolick Family

Getting so BIG!

1 comment:

  1. Great pics Ryan!! I think Mason looks just like your brother. Glad you had a chance to get away and enjoy your family.
