Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Our sweet Tim- We will miss you so much!

Today we sadly learned that Paul's brother Tim passed away. It has been one of those awful, this must be a dream type days. Tim was only 39. I have to say he was the absolute funnest, most easy going guy ever. The boys loved him dearly and would constantly ask when Uncle Tim was coming for a visit. I called him the human jungle gym since as soon as he walked in the door the boys just hung on him. I'll never forget that on our wedding day, it was Tim who drove me to the church before the wedding, where I would make the final "wedding day" prep. I've never seen a man so gingerly carry a dress as he did my wedding dress that day. He was my brother too and I am so saddened by the loss. I know that Tim is with the Lord and in that we can rejoice. Telling the kiddos has been very difficult. They don't quite understand the finality of death. They wanted to know when Tim was coming back from heaven so they could play with him. I wish I could say he was coming back tomorrow. We will miss him terribly! His bright smile, infectious laugh and that always a kid at heart personality. We love you Tim! May God hold you tight until we meet again in heaven.

1 comment:

  1. My heart completely aches for you all. He had such a contagious personality, and I enjoyed being in his presence the few times I was around him. He was definitely gifted with the ability to brighten up a room. You have written this so beautifully Ryan. We love you all very much, and know that we are here for you always.
