Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Baking with Nana

What a fun day we had making pumpkin bread with Nana! At first it was just me and Janey baking away but soon enough the boys wanted to get involved with all the excitement. They are actually great helpers in the kitchen and Josh especially seems to love to cook. Maybe he can get good enough that I could leave all the cooking to him. I'm sure he might do a better job than his Mom. I, as usual, had my handy dandy camera so I had to document the whole process. I think by the end of our baking even the pumpkin bread was tired of me taking pictures.

Here's some of the fun we had getting from this:

To this:

The boys love to use Nana's sifter!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Loving Photoshop

Playing with Photoshop can consume a lot of time but when you learn something really cool ya just have to play some more. After finally writing my most recent blog I got on MckMama's site and got a great tip on making a collage in Photoshop. Well here it is. That MCKMama is a wealth of information.

Things I am not good at

Okay- so here it is folks. I have found just one more thing in life that I am not very good at----BLOGGING. I may place my blogging abilities down in the basement with my other tried and quickly left behind hobbies such as scuba diving, guitar playing, scrapbooking and sewing. I'm not sure why it's so easy for me to find so many things I am terrible at but not so many that I am excellent at. In any case, I'll just keep trying. For now I'm onto something new and exciting. PHOTOGRAPHY!!! Yes I do love it. It seems to satisfy all the facets of the perfect hobby for me. I can do it right here at home, quickly download pics, edit and print them all in the span of the same day. AHHHH----immediate satisfaction-now that's my kind of hobby. Who needs years of guitar lessons only to be able to strum out Mary Had a Little Lamb. Not me , no sir, I got me a camera and clicka, click, click --- immediate gratification in the form of 500 pictures of my kids. Well, and my neighbors kids and any other person or animal that may come around the cul-de-sac. Anyway, here are a few of my latest snapshots. Hopefully my blogging, along with my photography will get better.

All the boys playing
Luke in the leavesThis is my cute neighbor Lydia